sentence of the day-ish

sentence of the day-ish
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

To help my inconceivably stubborn writer's block, I'm just going to try to write 1 sentence daily-ish. I may write more, but if I write 1, I'll consider it a win. I'm hoping this will flex my creative muscles and get the juices flowing.

I'll update this post daily-ish to include my new sentences. Anyways, here goes nothing:


It truly is a gift to have been loved.


It's a lot harder to be brave than I realized. I want to be braver, but I'm not sure how. The experts say I should start with one brave action at a time and then one day, I'll suddenly wake up and realize, boom! I'm a brave person now. But I don't know if this approach is possible for me. You see, my cowardice so cleverly disguises itself in other forms that I don't even notice when it's running the show. So how can I put a stop to it?


Writing is such a beautiful tool for healing and reflection.


There is no greater call to adventure than the ocean.


The courage to act is no small thing. No storm lasts forever, so why not just sit it out and wait? You can't stop the storms from coming and you can't control how long they last. Our absolute helplessness renders all action we take a little futile. Yet it is in those moments when we choose to act anyways, to rise against the tempest raging around us, that we find our greatest meaning.

I read the first sentence of yesterday's entry to my friend I.H and she said it made her think that maybe the rest of the paragraph would follow the theme of water and talk about a tempest. While I totally missed that incredible path, I was struck by how beautiful the word tempest is and had to include it in today's entry. Thank you, I.H.


Bad news settles in waves. I find myself holding my breath, waiting for something to change. And until it does, I'm stuck in amber. Because I can't accept what is. I can't believe that the rug actually did get pulled out from under me. And because of that, I can't help but fear that I might have deserved it. Time carries on, relentless and cruel. I feel both connection and isolation all at once. My world is changing and I can feel it happening around me with dizzying intensity, and I have no choice but to breathe deeply and wait for the dust to settle. And settle it will, because no storm lasts forever.